This year’s Annual Golden Heart Group Annual Awards Banquet honoring “unsung heroes” in the community was dedicated to the memory of Congressman Jon D. Fox. The event was held on Saturday, August 11, 2018, at Congregation Reform Keneseth Israel, Elkins Park, PA.

Jon Fox is remembered for his love for people everywhere and especially throughout Abington Township and Montgomery County. Like a superhero, “Mr. Abington” worked morning to night – often in the middle of the night ­– to respond to those in need. Even during his illness he was available to help others in the community. Surpassing any boundaries, religious differences or political party, Jon broke through, seeing the beauty and the divinity in everyone.

Over 200 members of the community came to celebrate our “unsung heroes” and to remember a great man who was integral to the Golden Heart Annual Awards Banquet.

jon fox

Click for link to obituary of Jon Fox