16th Annual Golden Heart Banquet
Honoring "Unsung Heroes"

August 6, 2011


Jannie L. Blackwell, a five term councilperson born and reared in Philadelphia, is a seasoned advocate for social change with over thirty years of serving community members, and the poor and under privileged in the City of Philadelphia.

Elected among her peers as Majority Leader in 2000, Councilwoman Blackwell is a behind the scenes consensus builder and problem solver. A stellar politician who understands the making of solid policy, Councilwoman Blackwell has introduced significant legislation during her five Council terms.

Councilwoman Blackwell’s economic plan incorporates her vision for increasing affordable housing and job and business development. Her leadership and hands-on approach with business leaders, public and private institutions, community groups, town watch leaders, block captains, and other elected officials,


has continued to allow this economic development plan to come to fruition, culminating in some 15 billion dollars in public and private investment.

Her overall vision is to improve her constituents’ quality of life - regardless of race, class, gender, or socio-economic status. Councilwoman Blackwell continues to believe that there is a solution to every problem, and that when we work together, everybody wins.
