2024 Golden Heart Award Winners



"Who comforts us in all our affliction, that we may be able to comfort them that are in any affliction, through the comfort where with we ourselves are comforted of God." - 2 Corinthians 1:4

Our family is blessed, not in monetary measures, but in the values that were instilled and inspired by our Matriarch and Patriarch, Nancy and Buryl Young. Many years ago, 25 this year as a matter of fact, it was suggested by our parents (my in-laws) that we forego the giving of Christmas gifts for all the branches of our growing family, with 5 siblings, many nieces and nephews, grandchildren and marital additions (we refer to ourselves as out-laws) with the recommendation that we take the money that we would spend on these presents and find a family or cause that we could reach out to and help those who are less fortunate. Our family would send monetary donations to whoever was “In Charge” of collecting those funds and identifying a family or organization who would  benefit from this act of random kindness. With our family spanning from ocean to ocean and border to border, we were able to take turns spearheading our efforts. The intent was not to just give money without thought to someone without having first doing our due diligence. Finding a family or cause was usually fairly easy and would not always be the Pennsylvania, Florida, California or the Colorado contingent’s turn to spearhead the project if another family group knew someone in need or would have a situation that maybe was more urgent.

During the past 25 years, this Family Project has never been about us and it never will be. Mother and Daddy wanted these Acts of Random Kindness to be anonymous and respectful of the family or organization’s privacy.

The family member leading that year’s effort, would gather the information on any specific needs, wants or ways that we could be of service to and make a difference not for just the short term. Many of the things we have done would give the family or organization a hand with setting up a structure for success that would last not just during the holiday season, but really set them up for future accomplishments. For instance, we would purchase computers for those family members who we unable to have one for their studies as well as internet access for a year or so. We have also in the past put money towards rent, car repair bills, mortgage payments, utility payments, groceries, gas cards, TVs or other appliances that were needed or no longer working, College tuition and even a bicycle for a Dad to be able to get to work without having to walk to get there. We have assisted with clothing needs, games for the kids, and other appropriate items so that the holidays would not be a sad time with nothing under the tree. Our efforts even extended to helping areas ravaged by tropical storms, wildfires, floods and hurricanes in the Bahamas where one of our nieces worked with the local zoo. This past year we reached out to a neighbor, who in the course of just a few weeks, experienced a horrible auto accident involving the dad and daughter, a house fire, then were burgled and robbed of what little cash they had left. Our family has helped over 70 individuals and organizations get through some pretty tough situations at the same time assisted in putting their lives back together and give them hope when things seemed hopeless. More than anything, our family wanted them to feel that they were not alone during adversity and that God’s Love was still at work in this world.

Our family leader in charge sends out an email to all the family households with the content describing that year’s family effort. Many of us will put the printed letter in a White Envelope and place it on the tree. Our gift to each other on Christmas morning is to read what we have been able to provide for a family or organization that year as our individual families gather around their own Christmas trees around the country.

It is with gratitude and humility that we have been nominated for the Golden Heart Award and the Young Family would like to extend the invitation to all of you give back to those in need, not just at the holidays but all throughout the year. Acts of Random Kindness do not always involve money or large scale efforts to spread our Love for one another: Hold a door open for someone, Say hello to a stranger, Take someone’s cart back at the grocery store, and remember folks, it’s NOT always about You. Be the difference in making our world a better place.