2024 Golden Heart Award Winner


numerous times before both Houses of the United States Congress, addressing issues of public policy, both foreign and domestic.

Rabbi Frisch is the religious leader of Congregation Tiferes B’nai Israel in Warrington and is both founder and director of the Lerhaus Institute of Jewish Studies, which is a new school approach to Bet Midrash (a school/shul of Torah Studies), based on a study of texts and their relationship to the contemporary world.

Rabbi Frisch offers compassionate help to the bereaved and inspiration to anyone who struggles with trauma.

Rabbi Seth Frisch, was ordained at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America in New York City and studied the Art of Biblical Narrative as a graduate student at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem under the mentorship of Dr. Shalom Paul, Chairperson of the Dead Sea Scrolls Foundation.

As an undergraduate student, Rabbi Frisch studied Government and International Relations while simultaneously serving as Legislative Assistant to the Chairman of the United States Senate, Committee on Foreign Relations, Area Concentration, United Arab Republic of Egypt. Later, Rabbi Frisch participated in 27 strategic missions to Sudan and Ethiopia in order to assist in what later became known as Operation Moses, the Israeli and World Jewry initiative to locate and rescue Ethiopian Jewry and facilitate their move to the State of Israel.

Rabbi Frisch continues to maintain a current and long-standing Fellowship with the offices of the Congressional Chaplains of the United States Congress.  Rabbi Frisch continues to teach classes in Congress and has appeared

Lehrhaus - New Shul of America - www.newshulofamerica.org