2023 Golden Heart Award Winner


Carla Reynolds is the founder of the Boots on the Ground Foundation. She also works with several other nonprofit organizations that have a common denominator: to encourage them to collaborate with one another on behalf of the community.

In 2016 Cultural Curator Carla Reynolds, with the help of Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick, started the Congressional Special Recognition Award Program as an annual program in Bucks County. The award program honors outstanding youth from age 13-1/2 through 23 to recognize their academic achievement, dedicated service to their community, personal development, and physical fitness. Ms. Reynolds and Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick recently arranged a trip to Washington DC for these children, incorporating three other organizations for an extremely successful event.

In 2019, she created an event called Unity Day – the first one ever in Bucks County, PA – to encourage people in their community to come out in fellowship together. It is now an annual event to honor first responders and others for their community service.